Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawa

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Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawa




妻の誕生日祝いで久し振りに、本格ヨーロッパ料理をいただきました。オランダというだけあって、東南アジア系のスパイスを優しく使った新鮮なお皿が多く感じました。斬新な味を追求する感覚は、ムガリッツやサンパウの様な、新しさも感じ取れ、日本でいただいた、ヨーロッパ料理の中でも最も秀逸といって良い。 I went to this restaurant for the first time for my wife's birthday. I feel that I have tasted latest European cuisine after long time while. Netherlands had a lot of south east Asian territory in the past and that affected to the taste of dishes in terms of which kind of spices they used. I feel mugaliz or saint pau like spirit to seek for the new directions of joy in their dishes. I would say this is one of the best European cuisine that you can find in Japan.

Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawa




久し振りに学生時代の友人と伺いました。さすがの人気店だけあって、予約があっても、まあまあの待ち時間。理由あって食べられない友人もいて、大変申し訳無い気持ちもありましたが、美味しくいただきました。 I have visited this restaurant with some friends since college student. This restaurant is quite famous and had long que for tables. Thanks to the invitation from a friend who is living in the area we enjoyed delicious dishes. In case you are big fan of UNAGI this is one of must go restaurant.

Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawa


会社帰りに軽く食べていきますか?と言うことで伺いました。確か、人間ドックがあるから、和食にしようと言うことで決めたハズが、よく見ると一杯飲んでますね。何時ものホッケ1尾は何時もの様に美味しかったです。 This is Japanese seafood restaurant located close to Yokohama station. Dishes which they serve are quite similar to the dishes which we are eating at home. You may want to try this restaurant to understand Japanese seafood for ordinary people.

Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawa




センター南駅近くのイタリアンと言うことで初めて伺いました。テラスも良さげな雰囲気でしたが、店内は少し昔ながらのカラオケスナックの様な雰囲気で少しビックリ。お得なセットメニューとパスタの大盛りを注文。お料理の質はなかなか秀逸で人気店の理由も頷ける。また、リピートしたくなるお店です。 I have visited this restaurant for the first time. It located close to Center MINANAMI station. They have nice terrace and spacious tables inside like old Japanese KARAOKE bar. We ordered set menu and big sized pasta. Quality of dishes were quite outstanding at reasonable price. I may repeat this restaurant in a frequent way.

Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawa




San Diego に駐在時に遊学に来ていて妻と友だちになったドイツ人が横浜に遊びに来て、旦那さんが魚が苦手と言うことで、中華街の飲茶の人気店に伺いました。少し待ちましたが、美味しい飲茶を楽しめました。ヨーロッパ駐在時に彼女の街に伺って以来楽しいひとときでした。 Friend from Germany came to Yokohama with her husband and he didn't like fish especially raw fish then we took them to the famous Chinese restaurant located at Yokohama Chia town. We enjoyed nice dishes and quality time there since we visited her home town in Germany when we lived in Europe more than decade ago.