Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawa

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Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawa




桜えびが食べたいと言う事で、ロングドライブして伺いました。いつもは、この近くの、くらさわ屋さんに伺うのですが、こちらも良さそうだったので、今回は此方に伺いました。メニューが豊富で、お蕎麦やうどんのセットなど、気軽に試せるのがおすすめです。桜えびのかき揚げも、カリカリに揚がっていて、くらさわ屋さんに引けを取らない品質で、中々オススメです。 We made long drive for eating SAKURA EBI which is small shrimp with pink color. We usually visit KURASAWAYA for this event, but we picked this restaurant at this time. They have a lot of different set menu combined with noodles and easy to find your favorite combination. I felt there was no big difference between KURASAWAYA in terms of crispy Templa quality and I could recommend this restaurant as well in case you want to try SAKURA EBI.

Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawa




久し振りに車でドライブしたいと言う事で、出かけた先で、お寿司が食べたいと言う事になったので、ググってみたところ、評判が良いこのお店に伺うことが出来ました。店内は、盛況で満席でしたが、暫く待つと幸運にもカウンター席に。メニューも何も無く初めてなので、まずはおすすめを2人前頂きました。どれも最高でしたが、特にトロ、穴子、白子、コハダは絶品。珍しい梅の巻き物もコリコリの梅の食感が素晴らしく、久し振りに金沢レベルの最高のお寿司を頂きました。この品質にも拘らず、関東だと回転寿司レベルのお値段で2度ビックリ。お土産に大将お手製の、レモンとオレンジの間の子まで頂いて、リピート確定です。 I went to this sushi restaurant for the first time. It comes up after searching google as a popular sushi restaurant in the area with reasonable price and high quality. As it said, there was full of people and had to wait for table about an hour. We had luck to get counter table for easy communication with sushi master. As prestigious sushi restaurant sometimes does, they didn't have menu nor price tag at all. In addition to that it was my first time then we asked for making master's recommendation for two person. After eating, we ordered couple of additional ones what we impressed. I picked TORO, ANAGO, SHRAKO and KOHADA as outstanding pieces. Also I impressed by the UME roll with it's crispy texture. Despite of the outstanding quality, it was quite reasonable price like conveyor type sushi restaurant in the area we live. It was nice surprise after paying. I am confident to repeat again.

Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawa




蒲田で餃子を食べたい!長年の課題を遂に実現する時が来た。早めに伺ったので、待たずに入ることが出来ましたが、直ぐに満員に。お目当ての羽根つき餃子は、モッチリの食感で、ニンニク無しが標準とのこと。ニンニク有りも試してみましたが、こちらは強烈なインパクトを楽しめるタイプで両方美味しくいただきました。 I wanted to try dumplings at KAMATA for a long time, since I've seen those on TV show. Today the dreams comes true. I like the texture of the dumplings and tried both with and without garlic in it. Both of them were quite outstanding and I enjoyed it very much.

Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawa




横浜で坦々麺といえばこのお店。またまたリピートしてしまいました。人気店ですが、比較的待たずに入れるところも素晴らしい。 I repeated this restaurant again. When I want to have TanTan noodles this is the only choice around Yokohama station. Despite of the popularity and high rating of the restaurant you can find table without waiting for long time.

Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawa


なかなか雰囲気があるカフェです。店内はこだわりのスピーカーが並び、静かに音楽を聴きながら、ゆったりとした時間を過ごす事ができます。洋書のペーパーバックも置いてありますので、お好きな方には一日過ごす事ができるかも? I went to this cafe located close to Yokohama station. They serve nice cup of coffee and some cakes. There are nice audio set inside of the cafe and you can enjoy music like jazz or classic in a quiet atmosphere. They have some paperback written in English and you may have nice quiet time there.