Akira Furukawa
妻の誕生日祝いで久し振りに、本格ヨーロッパ料理をいただきました。オランダというだけあって、東南アジア系のスパイスを優しく使った新鮮なお皿が多く感じました。斬新な味を追求する感覚は、ムガリッツやサンパウの様な、新しさも感じ取れ、日本でいただいた、ヨーロッパ料理の中でも最も秀逸といって良い。 I went to this restaurant for the first time for my wife's birthday. I feel that I have tasted latest European cuisine after long time while. Netherlands had a lot of south east Asian territory in the past and that affected to the taste of dishes in terms of which kind of spices they used. I feel mugaliz or saint pau like spirit to seek for the new directions of joy in their dishes. I would say this is one of the best European cuisine that you can find in Japan.