Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawaさんの My best 2023


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Akira Furukawa

結婚記念日のランチで初めて伺いました。久しぶりのフレンチフルコース。バルセロナでお気に入りだったEl Raco de can fabes にも似た正統派で日本のレストランとしては量も多めでお腹も満足。特に大山鶏のトリュフ風味のリゾットが秀逸でした。横浜で伺ったことのある洋食ナンバーワンと思います。This is one of the most prestigious French restaurant located in Motomachi. Quality of dishes are quite good and close to the one that I had in Europe when I was living in Barcelona. The volume of dishes are larger than the one from a Japanese standard restaurant and also similar to the European standard. I would say this is the best french restaurant that I have visited in Yokohama area. #最高でした




Akira Furukawa

振り返ると5年ぶりでしたが、縁あってまたリピートしてしまいました。金沢のお寿司はやっぱり最高だと思いますが、再認識させられてしまいました。何を取っても満点でしたが、シメののどぐろの炙りとレンコンの手巻きは締めに相応しい逸品でした。I repeated this sushi restaurant after 5 years of absence due to the COVID-19 issue. I would say KANAZAWA is the best place to try shish in the world. Also this is one of the best sushi restaurants in KANAZAWA.To be short, this restaurant is a MUST go restaurant in case you are a big sushi eater. This is one of the popular sushi restaurants in Japan, you may need to book before hand. They said it might be difficult to book this restaurant especially in the winter season from November to December due to the best season of female crabs called KOHBAKOAGANI and a lot of freaking people coming to the restaurant for KOHBAKOAGANI.




Akira Furukawa

年に一度はリピートして、必ずベスト10に入るお店です。今回は母の90回目の誕生祝いということで、肝焼きも予約出来ました。個室も取れて、ゆっくり最高のうなぎを味わう事が出来ました。This is the best Unagi restaurant for me and I put the best score in the year almost all the time. In case you are a big Unagi eater, this is definitely a must go restaurant . In case you want to visit there you must make a phone call to reserve your Unagi even though they don't accept reservations for the table. I would recommend at least one week before you visit to secure your Unagi. After visiting there you need to decide how you would like it prepared and wait for your table.




Akira Furukawa

年明け早々うな富士に伺いました。クリスマスに友栄に伺った余韻の冷めないうちの来店となりました。昨年は、僅差で友栄を昨年のベスト1とさせていただきました、今日頂いた青鰻は昨年クリスマスの友栄を凌ぐ出来栄えと判定させていただきました。勿論今年の堂々ベスト1となりました。やはり冬場のほうが、脂ののりがいいのか、昼食を抜いて調整したおかげか、今日のうな富士は格別のお味でした。I have repeated this UNAGI restaurant since last summer. At that time it was quite good and I put the best score on this restaurant. I am considering myself as a big UNAGI eater and it was number one at that time. After that, I went to another UNAGI restaurant named TOMOEI which is also serving AO-UNAGI on Xmas day last year. Then finally I gave 2022 number one prize to TOMOEI because I thought it was slightly better than this restaurant. Today I changed my mind and would give number one prize to this restaurant even compared to TOMOEI on last Xmas. If you are a big fan of Japanese UNAGI, this is definitely a must go restaurant. It's originally from the Nagoya area but they extended their branch to the Tokyo area too, you may find the same restaurant close to Shinbashi station. #いやはや最高です




Akira Furukawa

ついに、念願のとんかつ屋さんに初めて伺いました。流石の人気店だけあって、かなりの行列。お腹が減っている上に、一時間程待ったあとのとんかつは、本当に、美味しいお味です。低温でゆっくり揚げるためか、普通のとんかつとは違い、ふっくら柔らかく、凄くジューシー。また伺いたくなるお店です。This is one of the famous TONKATSU restaurants located close to TAKATANOBABA station. Different from ordinary TONKATSU dishes it's prepared by flying with the low temperature oil, then the texture is quite soft and juicy. I would love to repeat even with the long waiting line.




Akira Furukawa

やっぱり蕎麦は此処が原点です。蕎麦の味が引き立つ出汁を含めて、美味しい蕎麦屋さんが増えた今日でもお蕎麦の味は他を凌駕してます。近頃は外国人も増えているようで、子供の頃に覚えている行列程ではありませんが、行列が出来ていました。For me, this is the best soba restaurant in terms of the quality of Soba. There are a lot of good soba restaurant lately but I would say still the best if you like to enjoy the flavor of soba itself. Whan I was a child it was far better than the others and I remember very long waiting que like 3 hours but still keeping some waiting que even with a lot of good soba restaurant in KANDA erea lately.




Akira Furukawa

金沢旅行第一弾は能登牛のこのお店。能登牛ステーキ重の梅と、能登牛ローストビーフ&和牛ステーキの竹を注文。どちらも絶品でしたが、柔らかトロトロの能登牛ローストビーフは体験したことのない美味しさ。能登牛恐るべし。なかなかの人気店と見えて、予約で満席になっていました。I visited this Japanese style steak restaurant for the first time during my trip to Kanazawa. They serve NOTO beef which is branded Japanese beef on the rice. We ordered UME which uses sliced steaks of NOTO beef on the rice, and TAKE which uses roasted NOTO beef and sliced stakes of non branded Japanese beef. Both of the dishes are outstanding with the finest Japanese type of preparation of NOTO beef. I would strongly recommend trying NOTO beef when you travel to the Kanazawa area. Since the restaurant is quite popular and reservation is required to get your table.




Akira Furukawa

新しく出来た焼き鳥屋さん、早速伺いました。開店早々なかなかの盛況ぶりです。丹沢地鶏をお値打ち価格でいただけるお店です。たまたま、おとなりで会話させていただいた、焼き鳥屋さんを経営される方も絶賛される実力です。人気が出過ぎて、予約が難しくなるのが今から心配です。This is a new YAKITORI restaurant located ten minutes walk from Yokohama station close to Sengenshita crossing. This is one of the best YAKITORI restaurants that I have ever visited. They serve one of prestigious local chickens named Tanzawa Jidori at quite reasonable prices. In addition to that, they serve many kinds of Japanese Sake at reasonable prices too. If you are a YAKITORI eater this is a must go restaurant.

Akira Furukawa

またしても、金沢旅行の最終日に帰りの電車までの時間で寄らせていただきました。回転寿司といえど最高のネタで全く以って侮れません。最近では関東にも金沢まいもん寿司が進出して、金沢のお寿司をいただける様になりましたがやっぱり本場でいただくと一味違う気がします。I went to the KAITEN Sushi restaurant close to Kanazawa station while waiting for my train to Tokyo. Lately, some Kanazawa oriented sushi restaurants are in business in the KANTO area but I feel it's a little better in Kanazawa here. In case you have the opportunity to get there I would recommend trying sushi.




Akira Furukawa

やっと念願のこのお店に初めて伺いました。何年も前から気になっていましたが、なかなか機会に恵まれず、今回初来店となりました。流石の人気店で予約席は当日では既に満席、飛び込みでかなり早い時間に伺いましたが、既に待ち行列状態。念願の骨付き鳥は雛鳥と親鳥両方試して見ました。雛鳥は和製コンフィといった感じでフワフワ食感親鳥はかなりの噛みごたえで味わいが濃縮された感じ。どちらも絶品です。This is a restaurant located close to Yokohama station. They serve a special kind of chicken leg which is quite popular in KAGAWA prefecture. They serve two different types of chicken leg, one is from young chicken and another is from matured chicken. Young chicken leg is quite soft and juicy and similar to confiture in western dishes then I would recommend this type for first timers. Matured one is quite hard to bite and the flavor is kind of dense. You can enjoy specialty dishes from KAGAWA at Yokohama.