結婚記念日のランチで初めて伺いました。久しぶりのフレンチフルコース。バルセロナでお気に入りだったEl Raco de can fabes にも似た正統派で日本のレストランとしては量も多めでお腹も満足。特に大山鶏のトリュフ風味のリゾットが秀逸でした。横浜で伺ったことのある洋食ナンバーワンと思います。This is one of the most prestigious French restaurant located in Motomachi. Quality of dishes are quite good and close to the one that I had in Europe when I was living in Barcelona. The volume of dishes are larger than the one from a Japanese standard restaurant and also similar to the European standard. I would say this is the best french restaurant that I have visited in Yokohama area. #最高でした