今回はなんと、土用の丑の日と花火大会が重なって、うなぎの取り置きをお願いするときには既に店内分は終了で、お弁当だけになっていました。お弁当を持ち帰り、花火大会の開かれる河原で頂いたのですが、此れも最高の贅沢で、来年から定番になりそうです。I tried to get table for dinner but the day I asked was the peak season of UNAGI and there was fireworks festival took place close to the restaurant, then I could not get table. I got UNAGI BENTO Wich is lunch box to go, and got it at the liver side right before fireworks started. We enjoyed the taste of UNAGI BENTO and fireworks festival at the same time. I may consider this way from next year's event.