Akira Furukawa

Akira FurukawaさんのMy best 2024


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Akira Furukawa

今回はなんと、土用の丑の日と花火大会が重なって、うなぎの取り置きをお願いするときには既に店内分は終了で、お弁当だけになっていました。お弁当を持ち帰り、花火大会の開かれる河原で頂いたのですが、此れも最高の贅沢で、来年から定番になりそうです。I tried to get table for dinner but the day I asked was the peak season of UNAGI and there was fireworks festival took place close to the restaurant, then I could not get table. I got UNAGI BENTO Wich is lunch box to go, and got it at the liver side right before fireworks started. We enjoyed the taste of UNAGI BENTO and fireworks festival at the same time. I may consider this way from next year's event.




Akira Furukawa

妻の誕生日祝いで久し振りに、本格ヨーロッパ料理をいただきました。オランダというだけあって、東南アジア系のスパイスを優しく使った新鮮なお皿が多く感じました。斬新な味を追求する感覚は、ムガリッツやサンパウの様な、新しさも感じ取れ、日本でいただいた、ヨーロッパ料理の中でも最も秀逸といって良い。 I went to this restaurant for the first time for my wife's birthday. I feel that I have tasted latest European cuisine after long time while. Netherlands had a lot of south east Asian territory in the past and that affected to the taste of dishes in terms of which kind of spices they used. I feel mugaliz or saint pau like spirit to seek for the new directions of joy in their dishes. I would say this is one of the best European cuisine that you can find in Japan.




Akira Furukawa

お誕生日祝いに、妻が計画してくれた、オーベルジュに、伺いました。雰囲気はバルセロナで人気の日本食フュージョンのKoy Shunka に似ていると感じた。既に、その雰囲気にやられて、調子に乗り、フルのペアリングコースをオーダー。食材では地の利があり、シェフの腕も秀逸でイタリアンと言う事ではありましたが、日本食材のヨーロピアンフュージョンとして、欧州で充分勝負できるレベル。酔った勢いで、今度バスクやカタルーニャにも行く予定と言う社長に是非欧州で勝負して欲しいと言い出す始末。どのお皿も秀逸でしたが、特に特産だという巨大マッシュルーム(舟形マッシュルーム)には驚きを感じた。本当に楽しいお誕生祝になりました。 My wife planed the trip to visit this restaurant for me to celebrate my birthday. By the first glance, I felt it's similar to Japanese European restaurant named Koy Shunka which is located in Barcelona.I ordered full wine pairing course and really enjoyed dishes. All dishes were quite outstanding, especially flavor of gigantic mushrooms which is only grown at the local area. I feel this restaurant will be almost equal to the top of prestigious restaurant in Europe which has 3 stars in Michelin guide. It was one of my best birthday ever thanks to my wife. I really recommend this restaurant when you have chance to visit this area.




Akira Furukawa

毎年恒例になって来ましたが、青鰻のこのお店に伺いました。外がカリカリで中は青鰻特有のふわトロ食感がたまりません。小田原の友栄とは対照的な食感ですが甲乙つけがたい出来栄えです。新幹線を待つ時間も楽しくなります。I repeated this restaurant again for the new year holidays. They serve Ao-unagi which is a special sea eal grown by feeding shrimps and clmbs. If you are big Unagi eater, this is one of my recommendations. Tomoei at Odawara area serves Ao-unagi too, but the texture is different. You may want to try both.




Akira Furukawa

法事の会食で伺いました。歴史のあるお店だけあり、器から味付けまで品の良さが伺えます。懐石料理の王道を味わうことができました。I have visited this traditional Japanese restaurant for lunch after some ceremonial event of Buddhism with my relatives. This restaurant is quite prestigious and they serve traditional Japanese. If you would like to try real Japanese traditional dishes, this is the one that you may want to try.




Akira Furukawa

久し振りに学生時代の友人と伺いました。さすがの人気店だけあって、予約があっても、まあまあの待ち時間。理由あって食べられない友人もいて、大変申し訳無い気持ちもありましたが、美味しくいただきました。 I have visited this restaurant with some friends since college student. This restaurant is quite famous and had long que for tables. Thanks to the invitation from a friend who is living in the area we enjoyed delicious dishes. In case you are big fan of UNAGI this is one of must go restaurant.




Akira Furukawa

いつも年末の蕎麦ツアーで伺うのですが、真夏の松翁に伺うのは、余り記憶にありません。鮎の天ぷら二色もりをいただきました。いつものように、揚げたての天ぷらを一つづつ出していただけるのですが、鮎の天ぷらの姿と味に魅了されてしまいました。夏の蕎麦屋さんもいいですね。 I went to this Soba restaurant again. Usually I visit there at the end of the year during my tour of Soba restaurants and I don't remember the visit in the middle of summer. I got Tempra Soba with 2 different taste of Soba. The first dish of Tempra was outstanding in terms of it's taste and perfect posture of Ayu (Seetfish) as you can see in the pictures. It's good idea to visit there in summer from next time.




Akira Furukawa

テレビでカツ丼が美味しいお店と言うことで紹介されていたので、今までいただたていなかったカツを食べなくちゃ!ということで伺いました。お蕎麦もいただきたかったので、カツ煮を注文。確かに分厚く極上のカツ煮でした。I went to this restaurant again to try KATSU which is pork cutlets, because I saw one of TV program that introduced KATSUDON in this restaurant which I have not tried before. I ordered KATSUNI this time because I wanted Soba as well then I was quite satisfied by the quality of KATSU which they serve.




Akira Furukawa

美味しいハンバーグ屋があるということで伺いました。ジャーマンハンバーグと名付けられたお皿は焼き具合いは超レアですが、スパイスが効いていて、そのまま美味しくいただけます。This is a hanburg steak restaurant and they serve Japanese style hanburg steak which is popular in Japan. I ordered German hanburg which is very rare prepared and so spicy. I have no idea why they named this as German but it's outstanding. You may want to try if you like Japanese hanburg steak.




Akira Furukawa

蛍を観に行こうツアーの途中お茶をしたいねということでたまたま見つけたこのお店、雰囲気がとても良かったのと、メニューのハンバーグが美味しそうだったので、お茶の会計時に早速夕飯の予約しディナーにも伺いました。店長が米沢の親善大使を務めるというだけあって米沢推し。米沢牛のハンバーグセットをいただきました。味も素晴らしかったのですが、百年以上前のオルゴールやジューク・ボックスの実演もあり楽しい時間を満喫出来ました。I went to this restaurant for the first time. We found this restaurant at tea time and liked the atmosphere and booked for dinner. Owner of the restaurant is supporting Yonezawa and their recommendation is hanburg steak of Yonezawa branded beef. He also collecting century old music box and jukebox, then he made performance of those things at dinner time. We could enjoy quality time there.