Akira Furukawa

Akira Furukawaさんの My best 2018


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Akira Furukawa

バレンタインランチという事で、はじめてうかがいました。ワインペアリングつきの、メニューは普段あまり飲まない白ワインも楽しめて、大満足。本場の新鋭フレンチになぜか感じる和風の風味が合わさって、日本はやっぱりいいな、と思ってしまうお店です。This is the famous French restaurant located in Ginza. You can enjoy real French dishes with the highest quality, even compare to your favorite one that you may find in europe. I can feel also nice combination with Japanese flavor in some dishes and it is also similar to the trend that recent best european restaurant try to implement. This is must go restaurant during your stay in Tokyo. #本格新鋭フレンチ




Akira Furukawa

いや、このお店は驚きでした。今まで頂いたお寿司の中でも一番でした。金沢と云う事で、ネタが、最高な上板前さんがちょうどよく味付けしてくれるので、摘まんで口にいれるだけで、最高の寿司の風味が楽しめます。This is a must go restaurant if you are big sushi eater. They offer finest quality of sushi and sushi master would put adequate taste with salt or soy source depending on the fish. All you have to do is to pick up sushi to throw into your mouth and be amazed by fantastic flavour. This is a piece of art. #最高の寿司




Akira Furukawa

年末蕎麦ツアーの最後に伺いました。お蕎麦自体の仕上がりに久しぶりに感銘を受けました。先ずは、人気の温かい牡蠣蕎麦を、注文。大粒の牡蠣と出汁の素晴らしさが堪能できました。ただし、やはり特筆すべきは、せいろのお蕎麦の質の高さです。 香り、喉ごし共に私の好きな、神田の藪に優るとも劣らない出来栄え。追加のせいろは、また違った蕎麦を出すそうで、次回は此れも試したい。 This is definitely must go soba restaurant, if you are Japanese soba eater. I like KANDA-YABU best, in terms of the flavour and texture of soba, but it might be same or superior quality even compare to KANDA-YABU, means one of best quality in the world. To confirm the quality of soba, you can taste cold "SEIRO", it really is fantastic. In addition to that, they serve bowl of hot soba with nice oysters which you might want to try. It is also quite nice. I can easily understand why this restaurant is Michelin star rated. #最高のお蕎麦




Akira Furukawa

また、ここに来て、青鰻をいただいてしまいました。ウサギは絶滅危惧種という事で、なるべく遠慮しているつもりですが、此処の青鰻の美味しさには、抗えません。年に一度は来てしまいそうです。なんと罪深い事でしょう。I repeated it again, since I could not resist the fantastic taste of "BLUE" sea eel so called AO-UNAGI at this restaurant, even I know Japanese sea eel is one of the species at risk of extinction. I feel quite guilty to eat the species at risk of extinction, but feel so happy by the fantastic taste of the dishes at the same time. Please don't try to eat Japanese sea eel, since it is at risk of extinction. #やっぱり青鰻最高




Akira Furukawa

お誕生日のお祝いで、妻が念願のこのお店を、予約してくれました。想像していたより、お若いご主人が独りで、きっちりてきぱきと仕事をこなす姿が印象的。蕎麦前の質も素晴らしく、だし巻き玉子にその実力が観てとれる。注文した二種盛り蕎麦は北海道と茨城の蕎麦と云う事で、どちらも素晴らしく、また個性の違いにも感心しました。超人気の訳も頷けます。最高の誕生お祝いありがとー。 This is one of must go soba restaurant, if you consider yourself as big soba eater. It might be quite difficult to book table, since it is small restaurant operated by one soba master alone and so popular by the finest quality of soba and dishes called SOBAMAE. The pricing quite reasonable too. You may want to go this restaurant with japanese friend since it is quite difficult to book, to find the location of restaurant and to order dishes in proper manner. #最高の蕎麦空間




Akira Furukawa

このお店も年末蕎麦屋さん巡りで伺った、神楽坂の人気店。せいろで頂いた蕎麦は、正統派で老舗と真っ向勝負で一歩もひけをとらない。最高の蕎麦でいただく納豆蕎麦はこれまた感動的。大満足です。This soba restaurant is one of must go restaurant if you are soba eater. The quality of soba is one of the best even compare to the best traditional soba restaurant. In case you can eat NATTO and raw egg, I would really recommend to try fantastic NATTO soba. You might be a big fan of NATTO soba. #納豆蕎麦最高 #Fantastic_soba

Akira Furukawa

肉が食べたい!という事で伺いました。人気店かつ、初挑戦、今流行りの熟成肉という事で、期待は嵩まります。お薦めの焼き具合は、低温で焼くことで、外側はコンガリなかは、レアだが温かいという、ブラック&ブルーとのことで、それを注文。初めての熟成牛は柔らかく、かつ必要以上に脂っこくないので、最高の塩梅。ワインにも合いますが、何故か御飯との相性バッチリ。リピートしそうです。 This restaurant serves aged japanese beef. I tried it for the very first time. They recommend to be prepared it by black and blue which is well done outside but very rare inside, then we follow their recommendation. The aged beef doesn't have too much fat compare to the standard japanese beef, and It gives us nice soft texture. It goes nice with soy source foam and japanese sticky rice rather than a glass of nice wine. It might be interesting to try, fantastic beef by using chopsticks. #熟成肉最高




Akira Furukawa

うなぎ好きですが、此処のウサギは三本指に入る美味しさ。友栄の青鰻に勝るとも劣らない、フワフワトロトロの食感は好みです。200年以上続く老舗。This is the must go restaurant, if you are an UNAGI eater. They are serving best quality of UNAGI since 1803 that is more than 200 years ago. The texture of UNAGI is soft and fantastic. I would say the quality goes same level of AO-UNAGI(Blue sea eel) at TOMOEI which is my favorite UNAGI restaurant. The atmosphere is also fantastic if you get used to Japanese traditional style of table. #老舗の鰻




Akira Furukawa

あんこう鍋というものを、初めて戴きました。鍋は勿論、鮟肝の刺身は、今まで戴いた鮟肝の中で最高の味で、日本の鮟肝はもの足りない、サンディエゴの鮟肝が世界一!と、思っていたことが恥ずかしい。If you like foie gras, you must try "ANKIMO SASHIMI " which is fresh monkfish liver at this restaurant. It taste similar to foie, but more smooth and rich. Despite of the ugly appearance of the monkfish, you may find excellent taste of it's liver. They serve finest monkfish dishes since edo period, wich is more than hundred years ago. Monkfish tastes good especially in winter time, try this traditional or almost historical restaurant in winter. #鮟肝最高




Akira Furukawa

年末の蕎麦屋さん巡りで伺いました。透明感があり、こしのある蕎麦は秀逸。蕎麦の質でも老舗にひけをとらないお店のひとつ。蕎麦の量も多く、普通盛りでも老舗のせいろの2倍はありそうで、大満足。住宅街の中にある家庭的なお店です。This soba restaurant is the one that I recommend as one of the best soba restaurant in terms of its quality and quantity. Quantity wise, you can consider 2 times biger than normal one dish of soba at traditional soba restaurant. This restaurant is located in the resident area and only traditional japanese style table so called ZASIKI(no chairs) is available. #住宅街の秀逸な蕎麦