バレンタインランチという事で、はじめてうかがいました。ワインペアリングつきの、メニューは普段あまり飲まない白ワインも楽しめて、大満足。本場の新鋭フレンチになぜか感じる和風の風味が合わさって、日本はやっぱりいいな、と思ってしまうお店です。This is the famous French restaurant located in Ginza. You can enjoy real French dishes with the highest quality, even compare to your favorite one that you may find in europe. I can feel also nice combination with Japanese flavor in some dishes and it is also similar to the trend that recent best european restaurant try to implement. This is must go restaurant during your stay in Tokyo. #本格新鋭フレンチ