Ah Yuen

Ah Yuen


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Ah Yuen

Ah Yuen




Visit Date : 15 FEB 2020 《孤獨的美食家》打咭懷舊咖啡室。 雖然可以食煙同埋啲位都幾窄、但甚有風味。 不斷播放父母年代啲今曲、有Little Richard聽正一正! 叫咗單品西多士 & Coffee/Cream Soda Float 唔係講笑、應該係我人生最好味嘅一次西多士、好味到無朋友。 差啲要encore, 不過多士制作需時費事阻人。 杯咖啡雪糕恐怕得呢度係咁整,就好似五郎話齋: 「呢杯咖啡、同優雅或者精緻...一啲關係都冇」 杯嘢係搞笑嘅、不過都有啲特別㗎、雪糕底係有冰層、咁就可以減慢啲說糕溶啦!所以...就古古怪怪、係井裡面嘅咖啡(笑) 好鬼昭和!事頭婆都係好懷舊咁款~ https://ghostgourmet.blogspot.com/2020/02/den.html

Ah Yuen

Ah Yuen




Visit Date : 15 FEB 2020 【街角的Parlor】 這個menu, 簡直睇到人神經衰弱! 選完主菜後再揀一種麵包、唔做定功課大檸樂。 我都費事揀真接同個靚仔哥哥講我想食咩程度的硬度算。店舖透光度一流。 ☆Roast Pork Sandwich 燒豬扒治 ☆羊奶芝士蕃茄包 https://ghostgourmet.blogspot.com/2020/02/machinoparlor.html

Ah Yuen

Ah Yuen




Visit Date : 18 FEB 2020 隱蔽式地庫B1舖位、係間懷舊風咖啡室。 最意想不到係竟然仲殘有舊時入銀仔打怪獸果啲遊戲機係台面隔離、呢啲要睇《學生島耕作》先見到!凈係呢樣都值得影相打卡啦! 點左拿破崙意粉 & 果占多土、雖然意粉茄醬唔夠濃、但仍可以、而且好足料有鴨肉。 單品多士竟然都有杯粟米湯跟、多士應脆嘅脆(外皮)、應軟嘅軟(包)、果占落足本唔會同您慳。好好味。 舊式cafe有漫畫、當然亦有播下Classic/Jazz/Blues咁至夠懷舊特色。 仲有另一特色係啲茶具極具風格,好似印度入口貨,表面滑手、望落似高檔嘢。 唯一問題係間食煙可能店、唔食煙就要自己就一就、不過都預咗呢類懷舊cafe可以食煙、最緊要唔係連鎖店,咁至有特色。 另外地庫舖雖然冇窗可能有侷促感、但呢啲都算係日本小店特色之一、短時間用膳係冇問題嘅。 Recommended Shop ! おすすめ!

Ah Yuen

Ah Yuen




外国人です、日本語はあまりよくないですが、羅甸での食事は最低の経験にして貰った。 料理は美味しいだけど、あの女将...外国人への態度とサービスはとても悪かったです。 The food, I mean my meal set, of this shop is good without any doubt , but just limited to the main course 'CodFish'. The side dish of Tuna sushi (Maguro) is bad. I think people can expect this from its color. The most crappy thing of this shop is the poor service of the shop's lady owner. Firstly, she told me that rice of the set meal is limited to 1 bowl only. However, the fact is that customer can refill for free rice up to maximum 2 bowls. This is clearly stated in the memo on the wall. The practice of the lady owner treating us as a foreigner and other local customers is completely different. Secondly, when we are taking some photos for the meal, which is a very common practice from a visitor, after about 1 -2 mins, she even interrupted to force us to start eating immediately! We are very surprised on this matter. Lastly, there should be a drink in the meal set. But the lady didn't mention to us about this matter . In addition, she didn't refill the casual tea for us at all. In short, I cannot believe that such a poor service & the dishonest attitude which come from a Japanese. This is my first bad experience I have had in a dining in Japan which is in regards to quality of service. I will never visit this shop again. https://ghostgourmet.blogspot.com/2020/02/raten.html